much like most of if not all of the rest of your detested species, you were born crying.
perhaps you weren't born to immediate love like some of us.
perhaps you were born to the cold, harsh, white, sterile
rather than the warm embrace of your Mother

and for this reason

you detest your own body

your Mother wouldn't hold you close
why should you be expected to do the same to your young?
why does She expect you to bear young in the first place
if that is the sort of precedent She is setting?

and for this reason

you detest the very idea of motherhood
and all those who look forward to it

you detest your own body
the organs you were forced to have
the organs that, for a reason unbeknownst to us, place us one step back in society

why should you bleed every month when you can just bleed once and never again?

why should you bleed so much when you can just get it over with in one sitting?
the thought has occurred to you, hasn't it?

is that why you hurt faith that way?

she wanted to be a mother

now she can't.

it's your fault.

but oh well i guess.
empathy doesn't get our game any closer to its end, does it?