
Sneaky bitch who doesn't know how to mind her own business.

Pretends to be other people to feel better about herself. It doesn't work. Dirt called her bluff.


Pale skin. Easy to break. Pretends to be a cute little doll wearing cute little clothes.
I hate it.
She gets too close to 001 for her own good.


Her first exposure to everything was in 2004 and the overload of information caused her to start ripping her skin off her body in excess amounts.

Got arrested in 2006 for possession of marijuana.

Associates with that problematic little cunt named Olive 😭

It appears to be a deity of some sort that can control memories. Oomfs, you have 24 hours to unfollow.

Power attracts pathological personalities. Power is magnetic to the corruptible. These are seen as the "leader angels". They are messengers and the most notable type of angel in biblical text.

She romanticises the idea of romance. Would do anything to be in a romantic relationship with 001, would not be disappointed when met with the opposite of what she wanted in that life.

Cause of Death